




What motivates us to travel? 

In this age of technology where social media dictates where one should go to get that perfect experience, that perfect Instagram shot, we would like to think differently. We want to deviate from that thought process and bring on a new perspective. We believe travel is about creating meaningful experiences where you feel inspired, challenged, revitalized and most of all humbled. 

When we travel, we make countless stories, stories that we share with our loved ones, stories that showcase our adventurous spirit, stories where we felt grounded, stories where we learned something new which we could adapt in our day to day lives. Travel helps us build character, adds to our personality , teaches us about ourselves and other people, broadens our perspectives and helps us focus on what really matters.


Going to Ho Chi Minh city and not visiting the cu chi tunnels is a shame , or not spending a moment of silence in the Key monastery in Kaza would be sensationally stupid which is why whenever we are visiting a place, we ensure we incorporate a few stops to bask in the history of those early days, to stand and wonder what went down in that same spot 100 year ago, to be in the same space at different time, the closest we can get to time travel. 

Yes, we have studied history in school, but travel gives you a taste of history first hand. Until we are exposed to ancient relics, beliefs, weather worn battle fields, temples and other heritage sites, we do not understand how crucial and interesting historical education is. 


This is big. In fact, this for us, is the most important. We want to vacation the whole world but we would like to do a little good while we are at it. Voluntourism or volunteering while you travel helps you with different ways to give back to the community. 
Be it donating school supplies to a local school in Meghalaya or teaching a language in another school near Rishikesh or cleaning a bit of the Spiti river to raise awareness about climate change , we want to inculcate the act of being selfless, we want to provide you an opportunity to come together with others to perform more eye opening experiences to support those in need. 
When you book your slot for a trip with Orange Jacket, we help you weave some service time into your vacation time in order to give you more meaningful memories. Isn't it obvious that the act of volunteering helps alleviate stress and imparts more joy to both the giver and the receiver. 


Food is everything we are. Food plays a very essential and pleasurable part of daily life, something that we look forward to. Not an experience to brag about like climbing Everest or maybe diving in Bali but as something else that gives pleasure like listening to a good song, taking a nap or even going for a swim. 
When we are traveling across oceans or road tripping through rural regions, do you want to eat a burger, a salad or something you could have on any other day? We encourage you to eat without fear, tear into the local stew, drink the sincerely offered Kahwa in a local glass and learn how to order breakfast in a country where you don’t know the language. We like stuff like that.


Do you know what it’s like to spend a day drinking and dancing with Angami tribes of Nagaland? Have you ever gone shopping for bread in a local market in Kazakhstan? 
These are experiences we get only when we visit the place where it all originated from. 
Over the years we have come to learn that travel exposes us to multitudes of cultures and traditions, through which we gain alternative perspectives while being able to embrace and celebrate our similarities and differences.
Travel reminds us about the vastness of humanity and the singularity of human purpose- to live another day happily, helps us be appreciative of the smaller things and respect different points of views. 
This unique intimacy you gain with the destination as a result of the overall experience can’t be achieved by Just checking off destinations from a bucket list. Without a doubt, travel is a crash course on life experience. Our aim at Orange Jacket- India’s first travel company (to do this) is to enable you to gain more than just a visual experience rather join us on a soulful journey through time and place. 
Internally we call it HVFC : H-History | V-Volunteer | F-Food | C-Culture

Made with in the mountains | © 2023

Orange jacket adventures | Made with in the mountains | © 2024

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